Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Social Media By Rose Landaverde Wk 14 AM

Rose's topic is one that effects us all!

Rose's Video:

It’s hard to believe that only a decade ago, social media was little more than a trend. It’s also hard to believe that social media has evolved into the communication powerhouse we know today from something like…


And this.

Today I’m going to talk to you about social media  — The good, the bad, and the ugly. I’m also going to talk to you about how to utilize social media for your company or brand, specifically about how to set up and use a Facebook Page in a successful way. So let’s get started.

We’re in the age of immediate gratification. With platforms like Twitter, where users tweet around 6,000 tweets per second, you’ll never run out of content to consume. In short, social media provides immediate access to any information you’ll ever need…

 And a lot of information you don’t.

In the days of the answering machine, if your friend didn’t pick up the phone, you had to leave a message and just… wait.

Nowadays, when your friend doesn’t answer her phone, you can send her a quick text message, and check her snapchat story to see that she’s at a concert and probably won’t be able to reply. We now have pervasive connectivity to others.

A tweet recently went viral where twitter user @HaileyRagon tweeted Ryan Reynolds and he immediately replied to it. As awesome as this is, nowadays this isn't unheard of.

Nearly everyone knows of someone who has been followed, retweeted, or liked by a celebrity. Moreover, it’s easier now for most people to contact someone in another country via internet than it is to call your doctor to make an appointment. Social media has made our voices globalized.

In 2011, the word “cyberbullying” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Most people would never dream of going up to someone and calling them a dumb piece of shit, but due to the anonymity of the internet and social media, people feel empowered to do things like this.

Social media is open for all to use, which can be a great thing. It’s not great, however, when someone purposefully or unintentionally spreads incorrect information or ignorance. Things like the spreading of the “Microwave Your iPhone” scam can be dangerous or hurtful.

In 2013, the Boston Bombing happened. Reddit was ablaze trying to figure out the culprit. Reddit named Sunil Tripathi as the main suspect. Sunhil had gone missing a month before the bombing happened. Unfortunately, Sunhil’s body would be found days later, having died of unrelated causes before the bombing had even happened. The misguided efforts of Reddit pinned the wrong person, and essentially terrorized his family in an already difficult time.

The incident is still talked about today, sparking criticism and parodies such as this video by Gus Johnson:

More currently, as we’re going through the Coronavirus public health crisis, misinformation is being spread as well. Here is a video about the harmful effects:

The takeaway is this: Social media is an extremely powerful tool, especially when utilized in a correct and appropriate way. Let’s take a look at how to do that.

Research news and information before you share it. One way you can do this by checking if the source of that information is coming from a reputable place.

Use tact when posting on social media. There’s a lot you might say to a friend that you wouldn’t say to your grandmother. Experts suggest that you use the “front lawn” test, in which you imagine putting whatever you’re about to post on a sign in your front lawn. If you’re comfortable with doing this, you’re probably okay to post it online.

Protect yourself and your information. Never post your address or information that may be used to steal your identity. Some researchers suggest that if you’re taking a vacation, not to share the specific dates you’ll be gone or photos until you get home. This is to ensure no one gets the idea to break into your home while you're gone.

Remember that the internet never forgets. Everything you say on the internet is permanent, even if you delete a photo or a post. Something you post today could impact you in 10 years.

Now that we’ve talked about how to use social media responsibly, let’s get into making a Facebook page for your brand or business.

Step one is to go to
 Here you will see a list of pages Facebook thinks you might like.

Click Create Page.

On this page you will choose what kind of page you’d like to create. For this tutorial, I’m going to choose business or brand.

Press Get Started.

Enter what you would like your Page Name to be, and what category the page is.

Press Continue.

Now you can add a profile picture. You can press upload a picture or skip the step for now. Let’s upload a picture.

Select the picture you’d like to use.

You can add a cover picture, or skip this step as well. Let’s add a cover picture.

Select the picture you’d like to use.

Your page is now created!

This is your admin page. From here you can access things like your inbox, page info, and events.

From this page you can also create posts, live video streams, events, and special offers.

Now that we’ve made a Facebook page, let’s get into customizing it. You can always change your profile picture and cover photo by scrolling over their sections any time. Let’s click on Edit Page Info to see what else you can do.

Here's a Link to This Page.

There’s a lot in this section so I’m going to go over only the most important information. This is where you can access your page info. Some important sections to fill out are your description, phone number, website, email, address, and hours. This will help your customers or clients learn more about you.

The next important section is messaging.

First you can set an automated greeting, that will be sent to anyone that messages this page. Another important thing you can do is set up automated messages. For example, if a customer or clients asks you what your hours are, you can set up an automated message to tell them that information.

Now that we’ve figure out how to make and customize a Facebook page, lets take a look at some tips for running a successful business page.

This information has only begun to scratch the surface. If you’re interested in learning more about how to successfully use Facebook pages as a marketing tool for your brand or business, you can check out Facebook Blueprint.

Here's a link to use Facebook Blueprint.

Facebook Blueprint is a collection of free courses to help you market your brand or business more effectively.

If you scroll through, you will see a myriad of different categories and courses to choose from.

Besides being a place to build a customer base and sell your services, social media is one of the best ways to increase visibility and to build brand loyalty, but it can only do these things if you take advantage of what’s possible in a responsible way.

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