Tuesday, April 28, 2020

AM Online Virtual Tour - Alex Meade and KV Duong

Not all of these are virtual tours, but I do have some.

Check out Alex Meade's website. She's worked on many commercials, and videos. Her work is so different from the norm! She's worked on videos, and videos.

It's important to take what you love to do, and push it farther. Here she made a video for Ariana Grande - God is a Woman.

ALEXA // SHEILA from Shuttereye on Vimeo.

Performance in L.A.

 TV special for the Discover Channel.

Commissioned by Sony.

Commissioned by Ralph Lauren.

Artist in residence at The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

This is a virtual tour: KV Duong.

Use your arrows to navigate. You can stop at each piece, and click next to go to the following one. https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/652182/performance

This is a virtual tour: Ulrike Bolenz.

Use your arrows to navigate. You can stop at each piece, and click next to go to the following one. https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/822258/galerie-iv

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Week 19 Motion Design

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